Implant and Periodontics Solutions

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
Sun City West, AZ

Smiling dental patient sitting in dental chairWhile many offices focus only on providing direct solutions to your dental needs, we at Implant and Periodontics Solutions believe dental care beyond that. We focus only not only the dental solutions and treatment plans but also your comfort level and aftercare needs. This is why we include the use of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) in our practice. Platelet Rich Plasma not only expedites healing but in some cases, it can be used as a non-invasive solution to some dental conditions. Not only is it something we like to use with our mature patients, but it is also highly effective at regenerating dental tissue naturally.

What is Platelet Rich Plasma?

Platelet Rich Plasma therapy, commonly known as PRP, is plasma containing more platelets than normal and is used for various medical treatments. It is blood that contains an increased number of platelets. These platelets contain some proteins, or growth factors, which aid in providing the body with faster cell regeneration. Studies have shown that introducing Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) to an injured area tends to heal the muscles, surrounding tissues and ligaments faster. Unlike other therapies, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is all natural and produces faster, better results. It is like a concentrated kick-start to your body’s natural healing process.

Will PRP Get Rid of Surgery as an Option?

The answer to this lies in the extent of the injury or damage done to the area in question. For every dental procedure we do here, we always offer our patients the option to get a pain management treatment to help make a recovery more comfortable. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is an option we offer to make sure that after performing procedures, our patients can heal as quickly as possible, reducing the impact on their daily lives. We live in a busy world, and we know that getting back to your normal life is important to you. That is why we believe that your aftercare treatment is just as important and the procedure we performed.

How Is The PRP Made and Administered to Patients?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is administered through an injection. The PRP is first made by drawing blood from the patient and placing it in a centrifuge. The centrifuge separates the platelets that are responsible for healing from the rest of the blood. What remains is the PRP that we will then use. Typically, this will result in several injections to the treated area. However, the number of injections depends on the severity of the injury or damage.

What Can PRP Do For You?

Here at Implant and Periodontics Solutions, we offer professional dental services and aftercare to help manage pain and discomfort. We have been following the trend of holistic treatment and how it has not only become more popular with patients but is also proving to be more effective. Dr. Kammeyer takes great pride in providing comfort for all of our patients. We will always be sensitive to any dental fears that you may have and make sure that you are informed and feel comfortable about any procedure that you need.

If you would like to learn more about Platelet Rich Plasma and if it is a viable solution for you after a dental procedure, contact our office today at 623-556-5442.
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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) | Sun City West, AZ | Solutions Dental Implants
At Solutions Dental Implants, we can use Platelet Rich Plasma, which not only expedites healing, but can be used as a solution to some dental conditions. Learn more here!
Solutions Dental Implants, 13920 West Camino Del Sol, Suite 11, Sun City West, AZ 85375-4438; 623-556-5442;; 2/14/2025; Related Terms: dental implants, all on 4, teeth in a day, bone regeneration, tissue regeneration, implant dentistry, pain free dental implants, tooth replacement, extraction, advanced dental, platelet rich plasma