Implant and Periodontics Solutions

Sun City West, AZ

Dentist wearing a face mask standing behind patient sitting in dental chair and looking into handheld mirrorToday, there are so many options available for replacing missing teeth. In addition to more traditional solutions like bridges and dentures, there are now more options. At Implant and Periodontics Solutions, we are proud to offer dental implants as a highly effective solution for replacing your missing teeth. What is it about dental implants that make them so much more successful than traditional solutions? It all has to do with a naturally occurring process called osseointegration.

How Osseointegration Works

Osseointegration is a completely natural, biological process. It occurs when your bone heals and attaches to a biocompatible material that has been implanted into it. In the case of dental implants, your bone fuses to implant posts, which are meant to function as replacement tooth roots. The process occurs gradually, usually over the course of 3 to 6 months. As it does, the implanted posts are secured into the bone, becoming a permanent part of it. This process helps to ensure that your new crowns will not shift or fall out.

Materials Used for Dental Implants

For dental implants to be successful, the posts need to be biocompatible. This means that the material has to be accepted by your jawbone so that the bone can begin to heal and fuse to it. The typical material used for dental implant posts is a titanium alloy. This is an incredibly strong material that can stand up to much use. However, not all patients can have metal implanted into their bodies.

Not all implant posts are made using titanium. We also offer what is known as ceramic implants. These implants use zirconia posts. The posts, which are considered ceramic, are a tooth-colored material that is just as well-tolerated by the jawbone as titanium.

Phases of Osseointegration

There are four phases to the process of osseointegration. The first is hemostasis. As soon as a hole is drilled into your jawbone and the implant is placed, a natural healing response is triggered. Ions and serums that leak out of the ruptured blood vessels begin attaching to the post. The next step is inflammation, which occurs just a few hours after implant placement. Your immune system reacts to clean out chipped bone and bacteria from the surgical site.

The third step is called proliferation. This stage occurs just a few days after implant surgery. Fibroblasts enter the wound to begin producing collagen and fibers, allowing for the formation of new blood vessels. Oxygen is restored, and bone regeneration can begin. As the new bone tissue is formed, it begins to attach to the post. Finally, the last stage is bone remodeling. This begins several weeks later as the bone connects to the implant. The bone is strengthened, and the implant post is stabilized.

What Can Affect Osseointegration?

The amount of bone you have in your jaw plays a significant role in the success of osseointegration. However, having a weak jaw doesn’t mean you cannot get implants.

In some cases, a bone graft is necessary. For those missing an entire arch of teeth, there are options that don’t involve additional surgery. There are treatments known as All-on-4 and zygomatic implants. With All-on-4, we use only 4 posts to support your teeth. Zygomatic implants involve the use of longer posts that anchor your teeth in the zygomatic bone instead of the maxillary bone, where implants are typically placed. These solutions help to ensure that osseointegration occurs properly.

Bone mass is not the only factor that can impact osseointegration. The process can also be affected by habits such as smoking as well as your oral hygiene habits. We can provide you with tips to ensure osseointegration and the success of your dental implant treatment.

For more information on osseointegration, and to learn more about dental implants, contact Implant and Periodontics Solutions at 623-556-5442 today.
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Osseointegration | Sun City West, AZ | Solutions Dental Implants
Osseointegration occurs when your bone heals and attaches to a biocompatible material that has been implanted into it. Click the link to learn more about osseointegration and the benefits of dental implants.
Solutions Dental Implants, 13920 West Camino Del Sol, Suite 11, Sun City West, AZ 85375-4438 \ 623-556-5442 \ \ 2/14/2025 \ Associated Words: dental implants, all on 4, teeth in a day, dental crowns, bone grafting, implant dentures, implant dentistry, pain free dental implants, tooth replacement, missing teeth, immediate teeth, mini implants, osseointegration